Part 1 - The Mechanics of Creating Social Sustainable Democratic Nations

Chapters 2-7 provide the mechanics needed to successfully design sustainable social institutions.

Chapter 2, The Innate and Universal Values of All People, (p. 31), provides an illustration of the four primary and three secondary values that are the original cause of human motivation and provide for a unified theory of human motivation. A unified values-based theory of human motivation leads our thinking to how these values address hierarchies of needs, leading us to contemplate and understand the original cause of social change.

Chapter 3, Values + Priorities of Decision-Making + Morality and Ethics = Sustainable Social Existence, (p. 41), describes the mutual characteristics of these seven values that provide a system of logic for understanding how individuals of the human species have generally made consistently workable decisions that have resulted in the survival of our species for over 8,000 generations.

Chapter 4, Decision-Logic of Moral and Ethical Decision-Making, (p. 47), describes how the logic of those values become embedded in a chain of logic.

Chapter 5, Succinct Logic-Sequences for the Seven Values, (p. 55)

The Decision-Logic Sequence of Morality and Ethics
➔ Seven Values  ➔ Moral Definitions  ➔ Ethics Statement
                ➔ Expressed Ethics  ➔ The Graces of Expressed Ethics

This chapter provides a brief discussion of two larger works, Making Sense of Ethics; and, ORGANIC MORALITY, Answering the Most Critical Moral Questions of the 3rd Millennium. Both are available from the author’s website.

Chapter 6, Sustainability — Bedrock of Moral and Ethical Decision-Making, (p. 67), provides readers with a very clear explanation for the two types of sustainability — material and social. This chapter makes it clear that our societies and nations exist for two reasons. First for all future generations, and second for this generation. Achieving social sustainability provides the means for families and societies to transcend the present so that our children’s great-great-great grandchildren also have a sustainable quality of life.

To develop societies that become socially sustainable into a long and distant future, their design and functions must be intimately linked to the values, priorities of decision-making, and the moral and ethical rules of decision-making to achieve that outcome for everyone.