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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Priorities of Moral and Ethical Decision-Making
- Priorities of Decision-Making, Continued
- Discussion
Part 1
- Discovery of the Seven Values
- Illustration: The Seven Values that Have Sustained Our Species
- The Mutual Characteristics of These Values
- The Four Primary Values
- The Three Secondary Value-Emotions
- A Unified Values-Based Theory of Human Motivation
- Values, Value Interpretations, Hierarchies of Need, and Social Change
- Illustration: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Conclusion
- The “Right Stuff” to Create Sustainable Societies
- Priorities of Decision-Making that Contributes to Social Sustainability
- Illustration: Priorities of Decision-Making in a Socially Sustainable Society
- Equality is the pivotal element of proactive organic morality
- The Decision-Logic of the Seven Values and Their Characteristics
- Examples of the “IF . . . THEN” of Building Logic-Sequences
- The Decision-Logic of Morality and Ethics
- Illustration: The Decision-Logic Sequence of Morality and Ethics
- A Brief Summary
- Values
- An Innate, Proactive Morality and Ethic
- Traditional Morality
- Minimal Moral Duty
- Illustration: Sustainability, Two Types
- The Durations of Existence
- The Durations of Sustaining
- Brief Summary
Part 2
- Families — The Sustainers of Our Species, and the Fountainhead of сommunities, Societies, and Civilization
- Clinics for Sustainable Families
- Clinics for Sustainable Families, Epigenesis, And Social Transcendence
- Best Practices of Child Rearing and Parenting
- Best Practices Inquiry
- Where Biologic Epigenesis Comes into Play
- Where Social Epigenesis Comes into Play, and “Transcending the Failed History of all Societies”
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- The Moral and Ethical Obligations and Responsibilities of Finance and the Economy to the Nation
- Crimes Against Humanity
- Values, Morality, Ethics, and Priorities of Decision-Making
- Illustration: The “Hope Continuum”
- Conclusion
- Public Education’s Moral Obligation And Co-Responsibility with the Family Intentions of Public Education In a Socially Sustainable Society
- The Values of Public Education
- Educational Organizations’ Priorities of Decision-Making In a Socially Sustainable Society
- Illustration: Priorities of Decision-Making in a Socially Sustainable Society
- Preparing Public Education and Parents for an Uncertain Future
- Moral and Ethical Obligations and Co-Responsibilities
- Health Care and the Primary Value of EQUALITY
- Discussion
- The Seven Values of Socially Sustaining Health Care
- Moral Priorities of Health Care Decision-Making
- Designing a National Health Care System
- Moral and Ethical Obligations and Responsibilities of Justice
- Setting the Standards, Vision, and Intensions For all of Justice
- Seven Values as They Relate to Justice
- Priorities of Decision-Making
- In the Organizational Context
- Seven Values, Morality and Ethics, and Religious Contributions to the Sustainability of Societies
- The First Intention
- The Second Intention
- A One-Sentence Intention for Any Democratic Nation
- The Learning Organization
- Discern This Closely
- The Three Stages of Democracy
- Distinguishing Features of a Stage 2 Democracy
- Stage 3, An Evolved Form of Democracy
- Learning to Adapt to Changing Conditions
- Moving from Inflexible Social Systems
Part 3
- Introduction
- Design Team Process
- Sources of Knowledge and Wisdom
- Initiating a Local Community Design Team
- First Meeting
- Team Building
- Social Sustainability Design Team Roles
- Roles, Functions, and Qualifications of Team Members
- The Art of Inquiry, Reflective Thinking, and Discernment
- Discernment
- About the Schematic
- A Framework For Validating Social Sustainability
- The Schematic, the Team, and the Mischief of Assumptions
- The Process of Revealing Hidden Assumptions
- Techniques for Working the Schematic and Moral Compass
- Exploration Tactics by the Team
- Illustration: Social Sustainability Design and Validation SCHEMATIC
- Illustration: FINDINGS
- An Experiential Exercise Using the Schematic
- An Experiential Exercise Using the Schematic’s Methodology To Address a Moral Question
- An Experiential Workshop Training Exercise
- Process and Growth of Team Members
- The Process of Achieving Peace
- A Broader Understanding of Design Team Contributions
- Summary
- Restoring the Greatness of American Democracy And The “Trump-Kavanaugh” Phenomenon